Scenarios for slag management in Thailand include collect and re-export, recycle e.g. sand substitution, material substitution in cement kiln, blasting abrasive etc., and landfill. However, imported slag is not allowed to be landfilled. During 2001-2007, 98.15% of slag imported from Japan is categorized under 2621.90.00 according to harmonized code which refers to slag and ashes from incineration or other industry. Slag under this code is then selected for the further study. In case of WEEE management in Thailand, they are processed by both licensed and unlicensed entities, either under Ministry of Industry or Ministry of Public Health. After valuable portion in WEEE is taken, secondary wastes go to material or energy substitution, hazardous waste incineration, open burn, landfill or open dump. Considering items under custom code 800 (used items) and 899 (waste under Basel’s convention) of WEEE imported from Japan during 2007 - 2017, air-conditioning units and computers are the most imported items i.e. 34.50% and 28.53% respectively in term of weight. In addition, air-conditioning units and printed circuit boards (PCB) are items with highest imported value of 50.95% and 19.31%. Therefore, air-conditioning, computer and PCB are selected for the study in phase 2. Data for Material Flow Analysis (MFA) will be extracted from different sources i.e. statistical data, available reports, site survey, qualitative and quantitative analysis and questionnaires/interview.
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167 | 3487 | 179408 |