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Home ITH Conference International Trade and Health [ITH] Conference 2020

International Trade and Health [ITH] Conference 2020


International Trade and Health (ITH) Conference has been organized since 2014 as a platform for knowledge communication and policy advocacy as well as capacity building and networking. It is organized annually by the National Commission on International Trade and Health Studies (NCITHS) together with the International Trade and Health Programmes and supporting organisations.  Speakers and resource persons from several network agencies of the ITH Programme have been invited to share their views with 120-150 participants during the 2-day conference.  However, this year, with the COVID-19 pandemic, the conference will change it format to a virtual conference with the theme related to COVID-19 and international trade and health.

The pandemic of COVID-19 clearly reflects an example of health impacts from mobilization of people around the globe which is the consequence of trade and investment development. The pandemic affects people worldwide, at the same time slows down economic activities and increases the burden to the health systems that may already be very stretch in some countries.

During the pandemic, there are several issues concerned with international trade and health. As agreed in the G20 Trade and Investment Ministerial Statement and the Joint WTO and WHO Director-General Statement, while recognising of right to take measures to protect public health, it is equally important to ensuring that trade-restrictive measures are "targeted, proportionate, transparent and temporary, and that they do not create unnecessary barriers to trade or disruption to global supply chains, and are consistent with WTO rule."

The following lists are issues of concerns relevant to both positive and negative aspects of COVID-19 on international trade and health:

  1. Political aspect of COVID-19 pandemic
  2. Central mechanism for access to medicine / Collaboration for collective responses [Medicine Patent Pool – access to medicine, sharing of research data, sharing of clinical trial results, regulatory cooperation, trade facilitation measures, facilitation of movement of health workers and telemedicine, sharing of IPRs (through voluntary action), reduction/elimination of tariffs and internal taxes]
  3. Substandard medicines and shortage of PPE, and related supplies [export/import restrictions/bans]
  4. Economic impact from restriction of travel and decrease in medical tourism
  5. Transparency including transparent, effective and non-discriminatory procurement
  6. Transfer of technology and know how to make, adapt and use COVID-19 intellectual property
  7. Other issues such as using open source hardware, software, and e-commerce related to COVID-19

The conference this year will discuss those issues in order to formulate recommendations for preparedness for future public health emergencies. 



  1. To exchange and discuss current situation on impacts of COVID-19 on international trade and health
  2. To discuss relevant mechanisms to address the impacts of COVID-19
  3. To develop evidence-based policy recommendations on international trade and health preparedness and effective measures for future public health emergencies
  4. To identify specifically what evidence, actions and capacity are needed


Expected outcomes

  1. Knowledge sharing
  2. Professional exchanges leading to joint research and collaboration
  3. Policy recommendations for preparedness and effective measures for future public health emergencies
  4. Expanded network and collaboration on international trade and health



  1. World Health Organization (WHO)
  2. National Commission on International Trade and Health Studies (NCITHS)
  3. International Trade and Health Programme (ITH)
  4. ITH Funders (MOPH, ThaiHealth Promotion Foundation, WHO, NHCO, NHSO, HSRI)


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